domestic violence, sexual assault

5 Years Later

It was cooler than it is today five years ago, but the sky was the same. A little overcast, but sunny, and it felt grey. A few days earlier we had celebrated my father-out-law’s (former father-in-law) 65th birthday at a fancy restaurant. A fancy restaurant where Liam and I got food poisoning. My 10-month-old had… Continue reading 5 Years Later

coparenting, domestic violence, mental health, self help

What I Never Wanted

My parents separated for the first time when I was 6 years old. I didn’t understand what was happening. I was told we were moving and would be closer to Grandma and Grandpa. This excited me. I don’t recall feeling extraordinary loss at the time and it didn’t take long for my father to follow… Continue reading What I Never Wanted

health, mental health, self help, women

Me and Brené, Cultivating Calm and Stillness

I don’t think I have always been an anxious person. I am a high energy person and have been for as long as I can remember. For most of my adult life, though, I managed to hustle through the day and carve out 45 minutes to journal every night. I did it on minimal caffeine… Continue reading Me and Brené, Cultivating Calm and Stillness

health, self help

Me and Brené, Cultivating Creativity

Did you share a bedroom with a sibling? I did for the first twelve years of my life. When my mom bought us the house that I think of as home (my parents have moved twice since I moved out) I got to have my own room for the first time. I had dreamed about… Continue reading Me and Brené, Cultivating Creativity

community, women

Questioning My Faith in a Broken System

When I left our family court hearing early last Friday morning I was frustrated to hear the decision would be mailed to us later that day. In 2015 it was to be mailed on actual paper with a stamp and all. My husband was away for work all week. I turned Liam over to his… Continue reading Questioning My Faith in a Broken System


Practicing Faith and Authenticity in Family Court

My dreams did not come true today. It was close. I learned about the Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality as I was in the car on my way home from the courthouse. I cried tears of relief, fear, and happiness. As a proud advocate for LGBTQ rights for the whole of my adult life,… Continue reading Practicing Faith and Authenticity in Family Court

community, self help

Me and Brené, Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith

I could not have planned the timing of this guidepost any better if I had tried. Even if I had tried it would have gotten thrown off by, yet another, adjournment request from opposing counsel. Two weeks ago my faith was waning and my intuition was being second-guessed at every turn. To fill you in,… Continue reading Me and Brené, Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith

community, safety

If I Did One Thing Right As A Parent…

I am not a perfect mother. I am human. Very human. I do a lot right and am actually pretty proud of how I parent. The relationship my son, Liam, and I have despite all we have been through (both together and apart) is solid. I’m highly impatient at the dinner table. It drives me… Continue reading If I Did One Thing Right As A Parent…