domestic violence, sexual assault

5 Years Later

It was cooler than it is today five years ago, but the sky was the same. A little overcast, but sunny, and it felt grey. A few days earlier we had celebrated my father-out-law’s (former father-in-law) 65th birthday at a fancy restaurant. A fancy restaurant where Liam and I got food poisoning. My 10-month-old had… Continue reading 5 Years Later

community, culture, rape, sexual assault, women

Where is OUR Conversation?

I know names of three female friends who have been sexually assaulted or raped. Three. It is true that I have always had more male friends than females, but 1 in 5 women have been the victim of a rape. The latest CDC report found that over 40% of all women have experienced other forms… Continue reading Where is OUR Conversation?

health, sexual assault

Reclaiming My Body After Sexual Violence

Trigger warning I am so inspired by the things I read about women who are not only reclaiming their own voices, but also their bodies. I am even more moved by women who are going a step further into vulnerability by helping other women do the same. I was blown away the first time I… Continue reading Reclaiming My Body After Sexual Violence